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Duane SMITH President, Inuit Circumpolar Council (Canada); Vice President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), Inuvik


 He was elected President of ICC Canada in June 2002. As President of ICC Canada, Mr. Smith also became Vice-President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. Duane has been involved with ICC Canada since 1998. Born and raised in Inuvik, NWT, Mr. Smith continues his close attachment to the land. He has represented the Inuvialuit nationally & internationally for many years as a member (11yrs) and Chair (6yrs) of the Inuvialuit Game Council on sustainable resource management & indigenous rights. As chair, his achievements include the official signing of the Inuvialuit - Inupiat International Beluga Management Agreement involving the Inupiaq of Alaska and the Inuvialuit of northwest Canada, and a revised agreement on polar bear management between the same two parties. These have been officially recognized by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Department of Fisheries & Oceans.
 Mr. Smith is an adamant advocate for indigenous rights, their relationship to the environment as well as their traditional knowledge and insights indigenous people can provide. He also has over 18 years of experience with the regions' government in conservation and resource management.
 In addition to being an executive member to the ICC from Canada, Mr. Smith is a former co-chair of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Arctic Specialist group Sustainable Use Initiative. He presently sits on a multi-year, Canada led international research body coordinating and documenting data on the arctic through traditional knowledge and western science. Additionally, Mr. Smith is a member of the National Steering Committee for the Canadian IPY.