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Mag. Edith HOFER Assistant to the Director General, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission, Brussels


1997-2001 Assistant Lecturer, Institute of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, Johannes Kepler University Linz
2002-2004 Legal Counsel, E-Control, Vienna
2003-2004 Seconded National Expert, Council of European Energy Regulators, Brussels
2004-2007 Adviser in the Markets Unit, EURELECTRIC - Union of the Electricity Industry, Brussels
2007-2011 Senior Adviser in the International Department, E-Control, Brussels
2011-2012 Seconded National Expert and as of 11/11 Administrator in Unit B2 - Wholesale Markets II - Electricity and Gas in DG Energy, European Commission, Brussels
since 2012 Assistant to the Director-General for Energy, European Commission, Brussels


Publications on the 3rd energy package and regular contributor to a legal journal on EU legislative proposals