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Dr. Frans VOSMAN Professor Ethics of Care, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht


1989-1991 Assistant Professor, Medical Ethics, Nijmegen University
2006-2013 Professor, Ethics and Spirituality, Utrecht; Tilburg


Gastprofessur IFF Wien


Frans Vosman, Alistair Niemeijer. 2017. Rethinking critical reflection on care: late modern uncertainty and the implications for care ethics. Med Health and Philos. DOI 10.1007/s11019-017-9766-1.
Elisabeth Conradi, Frans Vosman (Hg.). 106. Praxis der Achtsamkeit. Schlüsselbegriffe der Care-Ethik. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus.
Frans Vosman, Jan den Bakker, Don Weenink, How to make sense of suffering in complex care practices? in: Gert Spaargaren, Don Weenink, Machiel Lamers (eds.). Practice Theory and Research. Exploring the dynamics of social life. London, New York: Routledge.