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Fred DEVEN Scientific Director, Department of Well-Being, Health and Family, Kenniscentrum WVG, Brussels


 Fred Deven acts since 2006 as Scientific Director, Kenniscentrum WVG - Department of Wellbeing, Public Health & Family, Brussels. Before, he was a senior researcher at the  Centrum voor Bevolkings- en Gezinsstudie (Population & Family Study Centre) in Brussels. He received a Masters degree in Developmental Psychology (Univ. Ghent, 1970). Following his PhD work on the value of children for parents (KU Leuven, 1984), his main research interests included the processes of family formation, parenting and parent support, as well as the reconciliation of employment and care (especially Leave policies).


Initiator and Coordinator (together with P. Moss - University of London), International Network on Leave Policies & Research, since 2004
EC Governmental Group of Experts on Demographic Issues, since 2007
Committee of Experts on Social Policy for Families and Children, Council of Europe, 2007-2008
Elected Bureau Member, Council of Europe, Steering Committee Social Cohesion, since 2009
European Commission Network on Family Policies, since 2009


Selected Publications:
Deven, F. & P. Moss (eds.): Leave Policies and Research. Overview and Country Notes. Brussel, CBGS Working Papers 2005/3, 2005
Deven, F.: Assessing the use of parental leave by fathers. Towards a conceptual framework (pp.247-267), in: B. Peper et al. (eds.): Flexible working and the integration of work and personal life in a context of organizational change. London, Edward Elgar, 2005
Moss, P. & F. Deven: Leave Policies and Research: a cross-national overview, Marriage & Family Review, 39/3-4: 255-285, 2006
Deven, F.: Family policies: developments and dynamics in a number of Council of Europe member states (pp. 77-93), In: Family Policy in Council of Europe member states. Strasbourg: Council of Europe - Expert reports, 2009