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Ph.D. Friedrich B. PRINZ Finmeccanica Professor and Robert Bosch Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford


1975 PhD, University of Vienna - Physics (1975)
 Co-Director, Stanford Integrated Machining; Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
 Design and prototyping of micro and nanoscale devices for energy and biology. His group studies transport phenomena across thin oxide layers and lipid bi-layers with the help of Atomic Force Microscopy combined with Impedance Spectroscopy.


Fuel Cell Fundamentals, Course Reader for ME 260, to be published as textbook
Nanoscale Technology Applied to Biological Systems, CRC Press, Publisher, 2004
Electromechanical Nanopatterning of Ag on Solid-State Ionic Conductor RbAg(4)!(5) Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No. 16, pp. 3552-3554, 2004
Quantitative Impedance Measurement Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 96, No. 6, pp. 3540-3549, 2004


Sir Christopher Hinton Lecture, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, 1991
Engineer-of-the-Year, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992
Pittsburgh, PA Section, Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna, Austria, 1997
Literati Club Awards for Excellence, London
Most "Outstanding Paper" in the 2001 volume of the Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2002