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Dr. Gerard 'T HOOFT Nobel Laureate for Physics; Professor of Theoretical Physics, Spinoza Institute, Utrecht University


 Studied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Utrecht
1969 Staff member at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University, then Assistant Professor
1976 Morris Loeb Lecturer at Harvard University
1976-1977 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) at Stanford University
since 1977 Full professor at Utrecht University
1988 Guest professor of Boston University
1989 Guest professor of Duke University, Durham NC
 Simon Stevin Leerstoel, Antwerpen, Belgium


Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
Académie des Sciences, Paris, Associé étranger
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Foreign Honorary Member
Hollandsche Maatschappij der wetenschappen
Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging


Apart from those in scientific journals and conference proceedings:
De bouwstenen van de schepping, Uitg. Prometheus Amsterdam
English version: In Search of the Ultimate Building Blocks, Cambridge University Press
Under the spell of the gauge principle, World Scientific, Singapore
50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory, World Scientific
A Confrontation with Infinity, Nobel Lecture in Physics 1999
Planetenbiljart, Sciencefiction en echte natuurkunde, uitg. Bert Bakker, Amsterdam
English version to appear: Playing with Planets, World Scientific, Singapore.


Among others:
Winkler Prins Prijs, Amsterdam, 1974
Akzo Prijs, Arnhem, 1977
Dannie Heineman Prize, New York, USA, 1979
Wolf Prize of the State of Israel, 1982
Lorentz Medal, KNAW, Amsterdam, 1986
Franklin Medal, Philadelphia, USA, 1995
Spinoza Premium, Neth. Organization for Scientific Research, 1995
Nobel Prize in Physics, with M. Veltman, 1999
Commandeur in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw, 1999
Officier de la Légion d'Honneur, 2001
10 honorary doctorates