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Mag. Dr. Gerhard MANGOTT Professor für Politikwissenschaften, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck


 Studies in Political Science, History and Slavonics at the Universities of Innsbruck and Salzburg with a special focus on Comparative Political Science (political systems of Eastern Europe and the USSR) and International Relations
1991-2008 Permanent and Senior Research Fellow on Eastern Europe and the former USSR at the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) in Vienna
since 1995 Lecturer at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna
since 2003 Professor of Political Science at the University of Innsbruck
since 2009 Scientific Adviser on Post-Soviet Affairs for the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) in Vienna
Faculty Head of Studies at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology


Member, Advisory Board, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik, since 2007
Member, International Advisory Board and the Editorial Committee of 'Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society', since 2007
Member, International Security Research Group (ISRG)
Member, Board of the 'Austrian Political Science Association' (OeGPW) until 2005; Member of the Association 1987-2007. In December 2007 he quit the 'Austrian Political Science Association' (OeGPW) disillusioned about its gender bias in personel recruitment
Member, Editorial Board, 'Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft' (OeZP)
Member, Advisory Council, Paul Lazarsfeld-Gesellschaft
Former Member of the 'Austrian Association for Foreign Policy' (ÖGA)


Power and Petroleum. Putin as Ruler of Russia. Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2010 (forthcoming)
Der russische Phönix. Das Erbe aus der Asche. Wien, Kremayr und Scheriau, 2009
Mangott, G., Eder, F.; Senn, M.: Transatlantic Discord. Combatting Proliferation and Terrorism, Preventing Crises. Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2007
Mangott, G., Hamilton, D.: The New Eastern Europe. Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. Center for Transatlantic Relations, Washington D.C., 2007
Mangott, G., Hamilton, D.: The Black Sea Region: US and EU Interests. Center for Transatlantic Relations, Washington D.C., 2008
Power and Petroleum. The Art of Power of Vladimir Putin. Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2008
Frequent political consulting and briefings in Russian and international affairs for federal politicians and parties