Dr. Gerhard SCHMITT Professor for Information Architecture, Founding Director of the Singapore-ETH Centre, Lead Principal Investigator of the Responsive Cities Scenario at the Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore and Senior Vice President ETH Global, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
1979 | Diploma, Dipl. Ing., Technische Universität München |
1981 | Master of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley |
1983 | Dissertation, Architecture and Energy, Technische Universität München |
1984-1988 | Assistant / Associate Professor, Computer Aided Architectural Design, Carnegie Mellon University |
1988-1992 | Associate Professor for CAAD, ETH Zurich |
1992-1998 | Full Professor for Architecture and CAAD, ETH Zurich |
1993 | .1994 Guest Professor, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design |
1994-1996 | Dean, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich |
1998-2008 | Vice President for Planning and Logistics, ETH Zurich |
2000 | Initiation of the Virtual Campus ETH World |
2003 | Initiation and Concept for the ETH Science City Campus, Zurich |
2006 | Initiation of a CO2-neutral Science City ETH Hönggerberg until 2020 |
2004-2007 | Chairman, Visiting Committee, Graduate Design School, Harvard University |
2008 | Senior Vice President ETH Global |
2010-2013 | Founding Director of the Singapore-ETH Centre in Singapore |
2014 | First Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Future Cities |
2015 | Lead PI in Responsive Cities, Singapore-ETH Centre |
Member, Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences | |
President, Scientific Advisory Board, Universitäre Fernstudien Schweiz | |
President of the Swiss Computer Graphics Association, 1997-1998 |
Microcomputer Aided Architectural Design, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988 | |
Architectura et Machina, Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 1993 | |
Information Architecture-Basics and Future of CAAD, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1999 | |
Information Cities, e-Book, 2014 |
European Culture of Science Award 2010 for the Science City Project |