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Dr. Gernot TILZ Head of the Clinical Immunology Unit, Jean Dausset Laboratorium, Karl-Franzens-Univeristät Graz


1959-1965 Student at University of Graz, University of Paris and London, Conservatory and Academy of Music
 Student of the Physician of Queen Elizabeth, The Dean of Westminster Medical School, Sir Richard Bayliss
 Graduation with distinction as "Doctor Medicinae Universae" at Graz University
 Demonstrator of Physiology, Assistant at Graz University, Pasteur Institute Paris, Professor of Medicine at Graz University Medical School
 Researcher at Scripps Clinic La jolla ( University of San Diego), University of Washington, London, Paris and Montpellier
 Founder of the hitherto non existing medical discipline Clinical Immunology in Graz, first bone transplanter in Austria with Mutz and Urban
 Head of the Clinical Immunology Unit, Jean Dausset Laboratorium


International Society of Haematology & Oncology
Gesellschaft für Immunologie
Austrian Society of Allergology & Immunology
Van Swieten Society
Austrian Society of Biotechnology


About 450 publications and 460 oral communications
(see homepage: or immunologie.webloc


Palmes Académiques
Légion d´Honneur
Honorary Ring of Leoben
Great Sign of Honour of the Styrian Government
Member of the Croatian Academy of the Medical Sciences