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Mag. Dr. Gertrude TUMPEL-GUGERELL Former Member of the Board, ECB - European Central Bank, Luxembourg; Consultant, WIFO - Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Vienna


1975 Master's Degree in Economics and Social Sciences, University of Vienna
  OeNB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna
1981 Ph.D., University of Vienna
1981-1984 Advisor in the Cabinet of the Minister of Finance
1985-2003 Various Leadership Positions, OeNB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna
1998-2003 Vice Governor, Economics and Financial Markets Department, OeNB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna
  Austria's Alternate Governor of the International Monetary Fund
  Member of the Economic and Finance Committee
2003-2011 Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main


Chairwoman, Supervisory Board of Austrian Research Promotion Agency, since 2011
Supervisory Board, Finanzmarktbeteiligung Aktiengesellschaft des Bundes, since 2011
Supervisory Board, ÖBB Holding AG, since 2011
Supervisory Board, Vienna Insurance Group, since 2012
Supervisory Board, Commerzbank AG, since 2012
University Board, Montanuniversität Leoben, since 2013
Supervisory Board, OMV AG, since 2015


Articles on Monetary Policy, Financial Regulation and Regulatory Issues


Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver with Star for Services to the Republic of Austria, 2014