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Guan Zhe CHEN Country Director Ethiopia, The World Bank, Washington, DC


1990/1991 Instructor, Harvard Extension School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
1992-1993 Young Professional, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines
1993-1997 Project Economist, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines
1997-2001 Sr. Transport Economist/Program Leader, Infrastructure Sector Unit, South Asia Region, the World Bank, Washington DC, USA
2001-2008 Sector Manager, Transport, South Asia Region, the World Bank, Washington DC, USA
2008-2011 Sector Manager, Urban, Water Supply, and Disaster Management, Latin American and Caribbean Region, the World Bank, Washington DC, USA
since 2011 Country Director for Ethiopia, Africa Region, the World Bank, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


International Road Ferdation
International Water Association
World Urban Forum
Associacion Latinoamericana De Operadores de Agua y Sanemiento (ALOAS)


World Bank, May 2006
Highway and Railway Development in India and China, 1992-2002


Harvard-Yenching Fellowship (1987-1990)