Dr. Dr. h.c. Günter MÜLLER Professor and Head, Institute of Computer Science and Social Studies, University of Freiburg
1967 | Graduation, Albert-Schweizer-Gymnasium, Leonberg |
1972 | Diploma, Business Economics, University of Mannheim |
1976 | Doctorate, Topic: Information Structuring in Databases, University of Duisburg |
1983 | abilitation,Topic: Endusersystems, WU Vienna |
1974 | - 75 IBM Germany, Data base Adfminsitrator |
1975 | Research Assistant, Data bases University of DuisburgIT Administrator IBM Factory Sindelfingen |
1977 | - 79 Postdoc position at the IBM Research Laboratory, Almaden, San Jose. |
1979 | Professional at IBM Scientific Center, Heidelberg |
1981 | Unit leader Computer & Communication, IBM Gemany |
1985 | Director of IBM Europe and Founder of IBM European Networking Center, Heidelberg, Liason to IETEF (Internet) |
1983 | Habilitation and University Lectures WU Vienna. |
1990 | Full Professor Telematics University of Freiburg |
Since 1990 Director Institute of Computer Science and Society | |
1994 | Consultant to NTT Japan on Internet Security, Tokyo |
1997 | - now Consultant at Hitachi, Security and Electronic Trading Systems, Tokyo, Japan |
1992 | - 1999 Advisory Board Daimler-Benz, Ladenburg-Berlin |
2011 | - 2015 Consultant at SAP Walldorf, Business Process Security |
2003-2013 Permanent Member of Feldafinger Kreis, Consulting Ministry of Research and Developement in National and European Programs (initated by Siemens AG and DFKI Saarbrücken | |
2013 Chairman of BDI task group, Privacy Report to German Chancellor, Berlin, Germany | |
1993-1999 Daimler-Benz Security in Communication | |
1999-2006 Speaker of the DFG Priority Programme 1079 Network Security, (German Research Foundation) | |
2010-2016 Co-Initiator of the DFG Priority Programme 1496 Reliably Secure Software Systems, (German Research Foundation) | |
2013 Member of Core Group of Uni Freiburg Exzellenz Proposal, Resilience | |
2016 Member Core Group of Uni Freiburg Exzellenzinitiative, Civil Security |
G. Müller, Paradigm Shift in Informatics? in Inforamtik Spektrum 2013 | |
G. Müller: Was Internet th only Option? In: BISE, Vol 51, 2009. | |
G. Müller, K. Rannenberg: Multilateral Security in Communications Technology, Infrastructure, Economy. Addison-Wesley-Longman, München 1999. | |
G. Müller, R. Accorsi, S. Höhn, S. Sackmann: Secure Usage Control in Financial Markets, i In: Informatik Spektrum. Vol 33, Heft 1/2010, S. 3 14. |
1982 IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award Enduser Systems | |
1986 IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award Networks | |
1987 IBM Exeptional Achievement Award for Outline of IBM Position to Internet | |
2010 Appointed Senior ACM Fellow | |
2010 Appointed IEEE CEC Fellow | |
2010 Bestowal of Ehrenkreuz for contributions of Science and Art by Bundespräsident Austria | |
2011 Bestowal of University Medal of Merit by WU Wien | |
2011 Bestowal of Honoray Doctor rer. nat, by TU Darmstadt | |
2013 Bestowal of Friendship Medal by University of Zagreb for Curriculum Design in Business Informatics, Croatia | |
2015 Appointed IEEE BIS Fellow, Posen, Poland |