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Dr. Gunar STEMER Head of Medicines Information, Clinical Pharmacy Department, Pharmacy Department, Vienna General Hospital - Medical University Campus


2007 Qualification as Pharmacist, Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists, Vienna
since 2007 Drug Information Pharmacist; Clinical Pharmacist, Pharmacy Department of the Vienna General Hospital, Vienna
2007-2011 Doctorate, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Vienna
2009-2012 Specialisation, Hospital Pharmacy, approved Hospital pharmacist (aHPh), Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists
2010-2015 Head, Functional Unit Clinical Pharmacy Services, Pharmacy Department, Vienna General Hospital - Medical University Campus, Vienna
2014-2016 MBA Health Care Management Programme, Vienna Business University, Vienna
since 2015 Head of Medicines Information, Clinical Pharmacy Department, Pharmacy Department, Vienna General Hospital - Medical University Campus


EAHP - Scientific committee of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 2010
Austrian Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Secretary, 2011
Education committee of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacy, Member, 2012
Associate editor, EJHP Science and Practice, 2013


Stemer G, Lemmens Gruber R. Clinical pharmacy services and solid organ transplantation: a literature review. Pharm World Sci. 2010; 32:7-18
Stemer G, Lemmens Gruber R. Clinical pharmacy activities in chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease patients: A systematic literature review. BMC Nephrology 2011; 12:35
Stemer G, Laml -Wallinger G, KrüglerI, Pölzleitner P, Messner S, Steininger S, Zehetmayer S, Dolinar E. Comprehensive evaluation of clinical pharmacists interventions in a large Austrian tertiary care hospital. Eur J Hosp Pharm 2012; 19(6):529-534
Tudfela-Lopez E, Labut C, Pölzleitner P, Jadrna K, Fend H, Kundracikova M, Stemer G. Clinical pharmacists discharge counselling and 6-month follow-up on medication changes and adherence. ESCP Kongress 2016, Oslo


Best Poster, 4. Grazer Risikotag: Medication- related problems resolved and money saved!
Results of a clinical pharmacy service evaluation In the Surgical setting, 2016
Award of the German Association of Hospital Pharmacists for the best publication in the society's journal Krankenhauspharmazie, 2013
Peritonealdialyse und Peritonealdialyselösungen-Was der Apotheker wissen sollte [Peritoneal dialysis and peritoneal dialysis solutions-what the pharmacist needs to know], 2012