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Haleh ESFANDIARI Director, Middle East Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.


1968-1970 Lecturer in Persian language, Oxford University, England
1973-1976 Deputy Secretary General, Women's Organization of Iran
1977-1979 Director, Bagh e Ferdows Cultural Center, Tehran, Iran
1980-1994 Lecturer in Persian language and literature, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University
since 1998 Director of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars


The Economic Dimensions of Middle Eastern History, Co-ed.1990
Reconstructed Lives: Women and Iran's Islamic Revolution, 1997
Iran After the June 2005 Presidential Election, Ed. 2005
A Troubled Triangle: Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, Ed. 2005
Chapters in the books, In the Eye of the Storm: Women in Post-Revolutionary Iran, Iran at the Crossroads, Middle Eastern Women on the Move and co-author of Best Practices: Progressive Family Laws in Muslim Countries, a Woodrow Wilson Center and RAND Corporation publication. Articles in Foreign Policy, Journal of Democracy, Princeton Papers in Near Eastern Studies, the New Republic, Middle East Review, The Wilson Quarterly, The Washington Post, and the Chronicle of Higher Education


Special American Red Cross Award, 2008
Haleh Esfandiari Award, established in her name by a group of business women in the Middle East and North Africa Region, 2008
Honorary Degree, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., 2008