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Mag. Harald DUTZLER Managing Partner, PwC Strategy& Austria GmbH, Vienna


1994-1999 Vienna School of Economics and Business; HEC Montréal
1998 United Nations, New York
1999 Wuppertal Institute for Energy & Ecology
since 2000 Strategy consultant, PwC Strategy& (former Booz & Company)
Member, European Retail & Consumer Industry Team
since 2010 Partner at PwC Strategy&
since 2016 Managing Director, PwC Strategy& Austria


Fashion's Way forward - an action plan for the hard-hit fashion industry
Industrie 4.0 - Österreichs Industrie im Wandel
PwC Strategy& Study: Store 4.0 - Zukunft des stationären Handels
PwC Strategy& Study: Total Retail 2016 - der Wettlauf um Relevanz