Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald FREY Participant, Re:Think | Housing.Construction.Policy; Project Assistant, Institute for Transport Sciences, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
Since 2006 Project Assistant, Institute of Transportation, Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Vienna University of Technology | |
Since 2011 Leader, research group "e-mobility", ÖVG - Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft | |
Since 2010 Representative leader, research group "Verkehrsträger", ÖVG - Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft | |
Since 2008 General secretary, Club of Vienna - Advancement of interdisciplinary research for Vienna | |
Project management in research funding and contract research | |
Advice and expert s opinions | |
Transport Planning and transport policy advice to communities and politicians | |
Member of expert committees |
ÖVG - Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft | |
Walk-space | |
Initiative Weltethos | |
VCÖ - Verkehrsclub Österreich |
Frey, H., "Krebsgeschwür Konzern", Frankfurt am Main, 2011 | |
Frey, H., Risser, R., Chaloupka-Risser, C., "Wie steht es wirklich um die Verkehrssicherheit? Eine Reflexion über die Aussagekraft von Verkehrsunfallstatistiken", Sachverständige, 35. Jg., 2; S. 79-85, 2011 | |
Frey, H., Leth, U., Mayerthaler, A, Brezina, T., "Predicted congestions never occur. On the gap between transport modeling and human behaviour", Vortrag: Transport Problems '2010, Krakau, 08.06.2010 - 10.06.2010; in: "Conference Proceedings", Paper-Nr. 18, 2010 | |
Frey, H., Leth, U., Macoun T., "Indicators of the Transport System for the Measurement of Corridor Capabilities", Vortrag: 2nd International Conference ICLEEE 2010 (International Conference of Logistics, Economics and Environmental Engineering), Highlight 2010: Sustainable Development in Logistics, Maribor/SLO; 19.11.2010; in: "Proceedings", S. 1-6, 2010 |