Dr. Heidi SCHELHOWE Professor of Informatics and Head, Working Group 'Digital Media in Education', University of Bremen
1968-1973 | Study of German and Theology at the Universities of Freiburg and Münster |
1973-1981 | Teacher in Bremen at the secondary level of a comprehensive school |
1982-1989 | Study of Computer Science at the University in Bremen |
1989 | Diploma in Computer Science at the University of Bremen |
1989-1992 | Research assistant at the University of Bremen |
1992-1996 | Research Assistant, Computer Science at the University of Hamburg |
1996 | P.h.D in Computer Science (The Medium out of the Machine) |
1996-2001 | Assistant professor at Humboldt University, Berlin: Didactics of Computer Science; Computers in Society |
Gesellschaft für Informatik | |
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft | |
FabLab Bremen |
Heidi Schelhowe: Das Medium aus der Maschine. Zur Metamorphose des Computers. Frankfurt: Campus 1997 | |
Schelhowe, Heidi: Technologie, Imagination und Lernen. Grundlagen für Bildungsprozesse mit Digitalen Medien. Münster: Waxmann 2007 | |
Robben, Bernd; Schelhowe Heidi (Hrsg): Be-Greifbare Interaktion. Der allgegenwärtige Computer: Touchscreens, Wearables und Ubiquitous Computing. transcript 201 | |
Carstensen, Tanja; Schachtner, Christina; Schelhowe, Heidi; Beer, Raphael (Hg.): Digitale Subjekte. Praktiken der Subjektivierung im Medienumbruch der Gegenwart, Bielefeld: transcript 2013 |