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Prof. Dr. Dipl.Ing Helga FASSBINDER Professorin für Stadtplanung, Stiftung Biotope City; Editor in Chief, Biotope City Journal, Amsterdam


 Urban planner, political scientist, writer, em. professor of University of Technology Eindhoven and University of Technology Hamburg-Harburg, former chairperson of the TUE Institute of Urban Renewal and Urban Management and Head of the TUHH Institute of Urban Planning and Development.
 Since 2006 she is member and vice chairperson of the Technische Advies Commissie Hoofdgroenstructuur (a committee for the protection of green zones) of the City of Amsterdam.
1990 she initiated the Stadtforum Berlin and was boardmember and advisor of the Senator until 1997.
2004 she created the Foundation Bitope City. She has been guest professor lecturing in many places througout Europe on urban renewal, planning, housing and meanwhile especially about the
 item "The dense city as nature".


Technische Advies Commissie Hoofdgroenstructuur Amsterdam
Deutscher Werkbund Berlin
Foundation Biotope City
Foundation Support Anne Frank Tree


"The City as Nature: Programming a U-turn in Architecture and Urban Planning", Amsterdam 2012 (on
"Biotope City", CDRom. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 2004
"Stadtforum Berlin. Einübung in kooperative Planung". Harburger Berichte zur Stadtplanung Bd.8, Hamburg 1997, 193 S.
"Wichtig war das Bewusstsein der Frauen, Einfluss zu haben" Erfahrungswelten von Frauen im Bau- und Planungswesen der DDR. (zus. m. Isabel Bauer) Harburger Berichte zur Stadtplanung
Bd.7., Hamburg 1997 359 S.