Prof. Dr. Dipl.Ing Helga FASSBINDER Professorin für Stadtplanung, Stiftung Biotope City; Editor in Chief, Biotope City Journal, Amsterdam
Urban planner, political scientist, writer, em. professor of University of Technology Eindhoven and University of Technology Hamburg-Harburg, former chairperson of the TUE Institute of Urban Renewal and Urban Management and Head of the TUHH Institute of Urban Planning and Development. | |
Since 2006 she is member and vice chairperson of the Technische Advies Commissie Hoofdgroenstructuur (a committee for the protection of green zones) of the City of Amsterdam. | |
1990 | she initiated the Stadtforum Berlin and was boardmember and advisor of the Senator until 1997. |
2004 | she created the Foundation Bitope City. She has been guest professor lecturing in many places througout Europe on urban renewal, planning, housing and meanwhile especially about the |
item "The dense city as nature". |
Technische Advies Commissie Hoofdgroenstructuur Amsterdam | |
Deutscher Werkbund Berlin | |
Foundation Biotope City | |
Foundation Support Anne Frank Tree |
"The City as Nature: Programming a U-turn in Architecture and Urban Planning", Amsterdam 2012 (on | |
"Biotope City", CDRom. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 2004 | |
"Stadtforum Berlin. Einübung in kooperative Planung". Harburger Berichte zur Stadtplanung Bd.8, Hamburg 1997, 193 S. | |
"Wichtig war das Bewusstsein der Frauen, Einfluss zu haben" Erfahrungswelten von Frauen im Bau- und Planungswesen der DDR. (zus. m. Isabel Bauer) Harburger Berichte zur Stadtplanung | |
Bd.7., Hamburg 1997 359 S. |