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Dr. Helma WENNEMERS Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel


1988-1992 Studies of Chemistry at the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Germany
1992-1993 Diplom Thesis with Prof. Gerhard Quinkert, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Universität, Frankfurt
1993-1996 PhD thesis with Prof. W. Clark Still, Columbia University, New York
1996-1998 Postdoctoral studies with Prof. Hisashi Yamamoto, Nagoya University
1998-2003 Assistant professor at the University of Basel
2003 Offer from the University of Münster for a C3-Professorship, declined
2003-2011 Associate professor at the University of Basel
since 2011 Full professor at the ETH Zürich
 Lectureships (Selection):
2010 David Ginsburg Memorial Lectureship, Technion, Israel
Holger Erdtman Lectureship, KTH School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden
2011 Novartis Chemistry Lecture, Columbia University, New York
Auer von Welsbach Lecture, Austrian Academy of Sciences


Hammett Award for excellence in research, Columbia University, New York, 1996
Postdoctoral fellowship from the JSPS - Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, 1996-1998
Liebig-fellowship from the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, 1998-2000
Leonidas Zervas Award, European Peptide Society, 2010