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Mag. M.Sc. Helmut HABERMAYER Cyber-Coordinator and Head, Military Strategy Division, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna


1978-1982 Theresian Military Academy
1981-1988 Several Postings as Platoon and Company Commander in the AAF Reconnaissance Battalion, incl. an UN-tour with UNDOF - United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
1988-1991 General Staff Officers Course
1991-1993 G3 of the Military Command Lower Austria
1993-1998 J2 of the Operations Division MOD
1998-1999 Cdt. of a Mechanized Infantry Battalion
1999-2000 National Defence University, Washington, D.C.
2000-2001 National Contingent Commander of the AAF in Kosovo
2001-2006 Deputy Head of the Strategic Planning Division and Expert for Threat-Analysis, Network Centric Warfare and Transformation to the Political-Military Austrian Armed Forces Reform Commission; Head of the C2-Workinggroup. In this competency he decisively designed the new Joint Forces Command and generally the new command structure at all levels.
2006-2013 Head of the Military Strategy Division in the Ministry of Defence and Responsible for Strategic Documents, CD&E, LI/LL and Cyber-Use in Military Operations.
since 2013 Director Force Structures and Organisation and Chief Information Officer of the Austrian Armed Forces. In this capacity he is also responsible for the Cyber Policy of the Ministry of Defence and the participation of the Austrian Armed Forces in the comprehensive Cyber Security effort of Austria.


Habermayer, H.: Hybrid Threats and a Possible Counter-Strategy, in Schroefl, J., Rajaee, B. M., Muhr, D. (eds.): Hybrid and Cyber War as Consequences of the Asymmetry, Peter Lang, New York, 2011
Effects of Cyber Warfare on the Civilian Population, Booklet of the Seventh Scientific Conference of the International Information Security Research Consortium, Garmisch, 2013


Defense Superior Service Medal in Gold
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Army Achievement Medal
Medal of Honour, UNDOF - United Nations Disengagement Observer Force