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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Helmut LIST Chief Executive Officer, AVL List GmbH, Graz


 Studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Graz
1966 Joined AVL, a company for design and development of internal combustion engines, founded by his father in 1948
1967 Graduation in mechanical engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz; Head of blood gas analysers development project, in cooperation with Prof. Karl Harnoncourt
1969 Responsible for the production of electronic and precision instruments and prototype engines; Introduction of product management, better market orientation of product development and set up of a network of representatives in import and export markets
1970 Vice President AVL - Head of Instrumentation Division
since 1979 Chairman and CEO, AVL List GmbH
1984-1986 President, Austrian Physical Society
since 1992 Honorary Consul, Republic of Korea for Styria; Chairman, Research and Technology Committee, Federation of Austrian Industry
1994-1997 Member, IRDAC Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee for the EU, Brussels
1994-2003 Board of Directors, VOEST Alpine Technologies
1995 Elected Fellow, SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
1997-1998 Chairman, IRDAC Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee, Brussels
since 1998 Member of European Forum Alpbach
1998-2002 Member, EAG European Advisory Group "Land transport and marine technology"
1998-2004 Board of Directors, AMS Austria Micro Systems
2000 Foreign Associate, NAE National Academy of Engineering; Chairman, AEBF V Asia Europe Business Forum V
2001-2007 Member, EURAB I and II European Research Advisory Board of the EU, Brussels
2001-2008 Chairman, EARPA European Automotive Research Partners Association, Brussels
2002-2006 Chairman, SSTAG Sustainable Surface Transport Advisory Group, Brussels
2002-2010 Vice-Chairman, ERTRAC Road Transport Research Advisory Council, Brussels
2003-2013 Chairman, University Board, Graz University of Technology, Graz
since 2007 Chairman, Austrian-Russian Business Council


Board of Directors of the Austrian Companies, VOEST Alpine Technologies (VA Tech) and Austriamicrosystems AG, 1994-2003
Member, Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee (IRDAC) for the EU, Brussels, 1994-1997
Member, European Advisory Group (EAG) "Land transport and marine technology", 1998-2002
Board of Directors, Austria Micro Systems (AMS), 1998-2004
Member, European Forum Alpbach, since 1998
Board Member, European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA), 2000
Member, European Research Advisory Board (EURAB) of the EU, Brussels, since 2001


University of Jilin, China - Honorary Professorship, 1999
Rosthorn Medal, Austrian Government, 2000
Ehrenring, City of Graz, 2002
Exner Medal, Austrian Association for SME, 2003
Honorary Senator, IMADEC University, 2004
"Großes Ehrenzeichen" of Federal State of Styria, 2005
Colin Trust Award, 2007
"Großes Goldenes Ehrenzeichen" of Federal State of Styria, 2010
Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art, First Class, 2012
Erzherzog-Johann Ring, Technical University Graz, 2013
FISITA Medal, 2014
"Großes Goldenes Ehrenzeichen mit dem Stern" of Federal State of Styria, 2015
Erzherzog Johann Award, Economic Chamber of Styria, 2017
Hermes Business Award, Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Leading Companies Austria, 2017