Dr. Helmut RAUCH Professor Emeritus, Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
1957-1962 | Study of Technical Physics at the Technical University, Vienna |
1962-1966 | Doctoral thesis at the Technical University, Vienna |
1962-1972 | University assistant to Prof.Dr.G. Ortner at the Atominstitute of the Austrian Universites, Vienna |
1972 | Appointment as a full professor for "Experimental Nuclear Physics" at the Technical University, Vienna |
1972-2005 | Director of the Atominstitute of the Austrian Universities, Vienna (jointly with Prof.Dr.G. Eder) |
1974-2010 | Visiting Scientist at the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France |
1991-1994 | President of the Austrian Science Foundation |
Austrian Physical Society (since 1965, chairman 1995/96 and 2005/06) | |
German Physical Society (since 1970) | |
Austrian Academy of Sciences (full member since 1990) | |
Academia Europaea (since 1990) | |
German Academy of Naturalists "Leopoldina", Halle (since 1995) |
Test of a Single Crystal Neutron Interferometer H. RAUCH, W. TREIMER, U. BONSE, Phys. Lett. 47A (1974) 369 | |
Verification of Coherent Spinor Rotation of Fermions, H. RAUCH, A. ZEILINGER, G. BADUREK, A. WILFING, W. BAUSPIESS, U. BONSE, Phys. Lett. 54A (1975) 425 | |
Quantum Physics with Neutrons: From Spinor Symmetry to Kochen-Specker Phenomena, H. RAUCH, Found. Phys. 42 (2011) 153-172 | |
H. RAUCH, S.A. WERNER, "Neutron Interferometry", 1st Ed. Clarendon Press, Oxford 2000; 2nd Ed. Oxford Univ.Press 2015 |
Erwin Schrödinger-Award of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 1977 | |
Ernst Mach Honorary Medal of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2000 | |
Ludwig Wittgenstein Award of the Austrian Research Association, 2006 | |
Austrian Decoration of Honour for Science and Arts, 2015 |