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Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Dr. Hermann SIKORA Managing Director, GRZ IT Center Linz GmbH, Linz


1984-1988 Scientific Assistant, JKU - Johannes Kepler University of Linz
1988-1992 Research and Teaching Assistant, JKU - Johannes Kepler University of Linz
1987 Graduation Dipl.-Ing. (with distinction)
1990 Graduation Mag.rer.soc.oec. (with distinction)
1992 Promotion Dr. techn. (with distinction)
Assistant to the General Management of GRZ IT Group, Linz
1994 Appointment to General Manager of GRZ IT Group
Title "Director" awarded
1994-2011 GRZ IT Group grows from 180 to 700 employees and becomes one of the most important IT companies in Austria with the main focus on software and services for banks


Member, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Co-opted member of the managing committee, representing non-institutional members, OCG - Austrian Computer Society
Member of the steering committee/presidium, IPO - Institut für Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung


Publications in journals, conference proceedings and books, the latest one being:  Infrastrukturmanagement , in: Heinrich/Stelzer: Informationsmanagement, 10. Auflage, to be published, 2011


First Place for among 35 contestants together with two other investment portals, Wirtschaftsblatt newspaper, Vienna, 2003
Honorary Professorship awarded for Information Engineering at the Institute for Business Informatics at JKU - Johannes Kepler University of Linz, 2006
First Prize in category  Open Source for the GRZ-product  Net Scan Assistant , CONSTANTINUS  the Austrian IT-Award, 2007