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Dr. Hervé THIS Professor, Molecular Gastronomy Team, Institut des sciences et des industries du vivant et de l environnement (AgroParisTech) and Laboratoire de Chimie des Interactions Moléculaires, Collège de France, Paris


 Diploma of the Ecole supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de Paris (ESPCI)
 Modern Litterature Courses at University Paris IV
 Ph.D. of physical chemistry, University Paris VI: "Molecular and physical gastronomy"
 Habilitation to head researches, University Paris XI
since 1980 Development of Molecular Gastronomy
1988 Creation with Nicholas Kurti of the scientific discipline initially called "Molecular and Physical Gastronomy"
since 2004 Courses of Molecular Gastronomy, INA-PG (3 levels)
2006 Creation of the Foundation Food Science & Culture (French Academy of sciences)
 Chemist I.N.R.A., Head of the INRA Molecular Gastronomy Team, in the Laboratory of chemistry "molecular interactions", Collège de France, Paris (Director of the laboratory: Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel prize in Chemistry) and in the Laboratory of chemistry of the Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l environnement (AgroParisTech)
 Scientific Director of the Foundation Food Science & Culture (Academy of sciences)


Member of the Scientific Council of the Palais de la Découverte
Member of the Editorial Board of L'Actualité chimique, Société chimique de France
Founding Member of the Group and of the Steering Commitee "Chemistry and Society"
Member of the board of the CRIN Club "Food flavors and formulation"
Member of the Scientific Concil of the Académy of Paris
Member of Steering Commitee of I.U.P "Arts, sciences, culture et multimédia", Université of Versailles
Member of the Scientific Concil of Société Scientifique d Hygiène Alimentaire
Member of the Steering Comitee of the Chemistry Department of the University Bordeaux
And others


Vive la chimie, en particulier, et la connaissance en général, in L'Actualité chimique, N°280-281, pp. 44-48, 2004
Les chimistes nous feront-ils manger des tablettes nutritives?, Actes de la Fondation Robert Debré, Bruxelles, 2005
Modelisation of dishes and exploration of culinary "precisions": the two issues of Molecular Gastronomy, British Journal of Nutrition, Volume 93, Supplement 1, April 2005
Food for tomorrow? How the scientific discipline of molecular gastronomy could change the way we eat, EMBO reports 7, 11, 1062-1066, 2006
Cooking in schools, cooking in universities, in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Volume 5, Number 3, 2006
Molecular gastronomy, Columbia University Press.
And others


D'Alembert Prize for Mathematics Popularization
Prize of the Academy of chocolate
Honorary Member of the Association of French chefs
Honorary Member of the French Academy of cooking
Honorary Member of the International Association Relais Desserts
Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques
Officier de l'Ordre du Mérite Agricole
Officier de l'Ordre des Arts et lettres
Prix de l'Académie internationale des gastronomes
Prix Catherine de Médicis de la Fédération italienne de cuisine
International Fine Food Award 2006
And others