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Dr. Ingrid KIEFER Head, Division for Risk Communications, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Vienna


1988-2010 Staff member, Department of Social Medicines (Center for Public Health), Medical University of Vienna
2007-2010 Development and management, AGES Competence Center of Nutrition and Prevention, Vienna
2008-2014 Head, Corporate Communications, AGES Competence Center of Nutrition and Prevention, Vienna
since 2014 Head, Risk Communications Department, AGES Competence Center of Nutrition and Prevention, Vienna


Member of the FAQ/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission (WECO) and Commission for Publishing the Austrian Codex Alimentarius (codex commission), since 2006
Member of EFSA Advisory Forum Working Group on Communication, since 2009
Member of the National Committee for Nutrition (NEK), since 2010
Board member of The Austrian Nutrition Society, since 2014


KIEFER I, SCHNETZER A, DROTT F. Visionen österreichischer BürgerInnen zur gesunden Ernährung und Lebensmittelsicherheit - FutureFood4men&women. Projektbericht 2016
GRIEBLER U, BRUCKMÜLLER M, KEIN C, DIEMINGER-SCHNÜRCH B, MEIDLINGER B, SEPER K, HITTHALLER A, WÜST N, FRÖSCHL N, BÜRGER-SCHWANINGER B, SIMETZBERGER S, KIEFER I, WOLF A, GARTLEHNER G. Gesundheitliche Aspekte von Tiermilchkonsum bis zum Ende des dritten Lebensjahres. Systematische Übersichtsarbeit - Executive Summary. JEM, 2014; 16(2), 8-11
WALTHER J, ALDRIAN U, STUEGER HP, KIEFER I, EKMEKCIOGLU C. Nutrition, lifestyle factors, and mental health in adolescents and young adults living in Austria. Int J Adolesc Med Health, 2014; 26(3): 377-386
KIEFER I, ARROUAS M, FRÜHWALD TH, HOFER A, MEIDLINGER B, ROLLER-WIRNSBERGER R, RUST P, SCHINDLER K, SGARABOTTOLO V, WEISSENBERGER-LEDUC M, WOLF A. Wissenschaftliche Aufbereitung für Empfehlungen "Ernährung im Alter in verschiedenen Lebenssituationen", 2013; AGES, BMG (Hrsg.)


Goldenes Buch für Kalorienfibel I und II
silver medal of the Germany e.V. (GAD) gastronomic Academy, 2005
Gourmand-World Cookbook Award, category "Best Health and Nutrition Book", 2004