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MMag. Dr. Irene GINER-REICHL Ambassador, Austrian Embassy Brasilia


1982 entry into Diplomatic Service of Austria
1985-1994 Deputy Head of Information Service NY and Delegate to Second Committee, ECOSOC, etc. at UN - United Nations
1994-1995 Head of Unit for International Women's Affairs
1995-1998 Head of Department for International Cooperation, Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment, Vienna
1998-2001 Permanent Representative of Austria to UN, Vienna
2001-2004 Director; Assistant Director-General, UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization, New York
2005-2012 Director General for Development Policy and Development Cooperation, Federal Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Vienna
2012-2017 Austrian Ambassador to Public Republic of China and to Mongolia, Beijing
since 2017 Austrian Ambassador to Federative Republic of Brazil, Brasilia


President, Global Forum on Sustainable Energy
Vice-President, Global Policy Network for Renewable REN21
Founding Member, Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition
Founder; currently Vice-President, Austrian National Committee for UN Women


Bayer; Giner-Reichl (Eds.): Entwicklung 2030: Auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit, Manz, 2017
Freudenschuss-Reichl; Lennkh (Eds.): Nachbar Afrika, und Klimawandel in Afrika, 2 vol., Passagen, 2010, 2011
Freuenschuss-Reichl; Bayer (Eds.): Entwicklungspolitik und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Manz, 2007
Freudenschuss-Reichl: Spiritualität und Praxis der Nachhaltigkeit. KSOe, 2005/2008


Honorary Professor, UIBE - University for International Business and Economics, Beijing
Mongolian Medal of Friendship
Tiroler Verdienstkreuz