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Ph.D. Iván TOSICS Sociologist, Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest


1975-1982 Sociologist, Planning Institute for Budapest (BUVATI)
1983-1988 Research Fellow, Institute for Building Economy and Organization (EGSZI)
1988-1989 Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Science
since 1989 Managing Director of the Metropolitan Research Institute
  - member of the UNECE Working Group on housing renewal and of the Group of Specialists on Access to Housing
  - participated in Stakeholder Consultation Event on development of Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment
  - representing MRI in several EU framework programs
  - preparation of the rehabilitation strategy of Budapest


Member of coordination committee of the European Network for Urban Research (ENHR)
Member of executive committee of European Urban Research Association (EURA)
Member of the editorial advisory board of Housing Studies
Member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Housing and the Built Environment


Spatial restructuring in post-social Budapest, in: The Urban Mosaic of Post-Socialist Europe. Space, Institutions and Policy. Springer, 2006
Regenerating large housing estates in Europe (ed, with Ronald van Kempen, Alan Murie, Thomas Knorr-Siedow). Urban and Regional Research Centre, Utrecht University, 2006
City Development in Central and Eastern Europe Since 1990: the Impact of Internal Forces, in: Hamilton, F.E.I. Dimitrowska-Andrews, K. Pichler-Milanovic, N. (eds) Transformation of Cities in Central and Eastern Europe. Towards Globalization, pp 44-78, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 2005


For Budapest 2006