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Ivana ZIVKOVIC ORF Radio Programme Danube talks (previously called as Neighbour in Need ), Wien


 Correspondent from Vienna for different independent media (daily newspaper "Danas" from Belgrade, radio "Antena M" from Podgorica Montenegro, TV A1 from Skopje (Macedonia)
 co-author of report on situation in Yugoslav media for OSCE year 1999. book of the OSCE representative office on the freedom of media
 currently working on the study "Perspective of democratization in Serbia and the media impact on it" for the Austrian-based IDM -Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe
 manager of NGO "Centre for Inter-regional Cooperation and European Integration" (CirCI)
 From 1989 work for RTS-RadioNis (Yugoslav national radio station) as journalist and moderator, also as corespondent for Radio Belgrade
 From 1996 media manager of the BK Group, Belgrade
 then executive marketing director and PR manager for Belgrade-based radio and television station Studio B


co-author of report on situation in Yugoslav media for OSCE year 1999. book of the OSCE representative office on the freedom of media