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Ph.D. Jadran LENARCIC Director, The Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana


 Received B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1979, 1981, and in 1986, respectively. He has been appointed by the J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, since 1979. He also holds a professorship at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, since 1988. Basic research interests of J. Lenar i  are in robotics, robot kinematics, biorobotics and humanoid robotics. His contributions are in the area of modelling and simulation of robots, mathematical evaluation and optimization of robot mechanisms, modelling of human upper extremity and control of redundant robots. He is member of editorial boards in a number of international journals and served as guest editor in special issues. He edited seven books on Advances in Robot Kinematics and contributed in international encyclopedias. Since 2005 he is Director of the Jozef Stefan Institute.


IFToMM Executive Committee Robotics, Member
IFToMM Executive Committee Computational Kinematics, Member
EURON Board Member
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Associate Editor


J. Lenarcic, M. M. Stanisic: Humanoid shoulder complex and the humeral pointing kinematics. IEEE Trans. Robot. Autom., 2003
J. Babic, J. Lenarcic: In vivo determination of triceps surae muscle-tendon complex viscoelastic properties. Eur. j. appl. physiol. occup. physiol., 2004
N. Klopcar, M. Tomsic, J. Lenarcic: A kinematic model of the shoulder complex to evaluate the arm-reachable workspace. Journal of Biomechanics, 2005
N. Klopcar, J. Lenarcic: Bilateral and unilateral shoulder girdle kinematics during humeral elevation. Clinical biomechanics, 2006