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MD Cand. theol. Dr. phil. Jan Helge SOLBAKK Chief, Bioethics Section, Division of Ethics of Sciences and Technology, UNESCO, Paris; Professor of Medical Ethics, Section for Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo; Adjunct Professor of Medical Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine, Centre for International Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen


1976-1978 Studies of Mathematics and Chemistry, University of Trondheim, Norway
1987 MD, University of Oslo
1989 Cand. theol (with 'summa cum laude'), University of Oslo
1989-1993 Dr. phil., University of Oslo
1987-1996 Director, The National Committee for Medical Research Ethics, The Research Council of Norway
1994-1996 Adjunct Professor of Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tromsø, Norway
since 1996 Adjunct Professor of Medical Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine, Centre for International Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway
Professor of Medical Ethics and Head of Section, Section for Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo
2007-2008 Chief of Bioethics Section, UNESCO, Paris


Expert STRATA Group, 2002-2004
International task force on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Guidelines, 2006-2007
Ethics Committee set up by the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership, since 2006


Selected forthcoming research publications:
Solbakk, JH, "The tragic nature of biomedical ethics", in: Holm, S; Häyry, M; Takala, T (Eds.), The life of Value. John Harris and his critics. Rodopi
Karlsen, JR, Strand, R and Solbakk, JH, "Life at all costs: European precautionary policies on xenotransplantation", in: Craye, M & Funtowicz, S (Eds.), Inclusive (Risk) Governance in the Enlarged EU: Challenges and Opportunities, special issue of International Journal of Risk Assessment and Managementl, EC-JRC-Ispra
Ang, T.W.; ten Have, H.A.M.J.; Solbakk, J.H.; Nys, H. UNESCO Global Ethics Observatory (GEObs): Database on Ethics Related Legislation and Guidelines, in: Journal of Medical Ethics
Solbakk, JH, Holm, S, Hofmann, B (Eds.), The ethics of research biobanking, Springer Verlag, September 2009