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Dr. Jan KLEINHEISTERKAMP Associate Professor of Law, LSE - London School of Economics, London


1997 First State Law Examination, Hannover
1998-2004 Research assistant; Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, Hamburg
2003 Second State Law Examination, Hamburg
2004 Dr. iuris (Phd), Universität Hamburg
Admission to legal practice, Hamburg
2004-2008 Assistant Professor, HEC School of Management, Paris
since 2008 Associate Professor, Law Department, LSE - London School of Economics, London


Governing Body for Dispute Resolution, ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
Advisory Group, International Arbitration of the UK Government
Council of the Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Editorial Board, Journal of International Economic Law


Investment Treaty Law and the Fear for Sovereignty, 2015
Financial Responsibility in the European International Investment Policy, 2014, ICLQ 62/2, 449-476
Kleinheisterkamp, J.; Vogenauer, J.: Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Oxford University Press, 2008
International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America, Oceana, 2005