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Dr. Jan POSPISIL Senior Researcher and Head of Vienna Bureau, ASPR - Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Vienna; Research Fellow, PSRP - Political Settlements Research Programme, University of Edinburgh


2004-2006 Associate Researcher, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
2006-2011 Afilliated Researcher, oiip - Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna
2011-2017 Senior Researcher, oiip - Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna
2015-2017 Research Fellow, Political Settlements Research Programme, University of Edinburgh
since 2006 Teaching Fellow, University of Vienna
since 2017 Head of Research and Head of Bureau, ASPR - Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Vienna


ISA - International Studies Association (PEACE Section)
EISA - European International Studies Association
IHSA - International Humanitarian Studies Association
OeGPW - Austrian Association of Political Sciences


Die Entwicklung von Sicherheit, Bielefeld: transcript, 2009
The Resilient State: New Regulatory Modes in International Approaches to Statebuilding?, Third World Quarterly, 37:1, 2016 (with Florian Kuehn)
´Un Sharing ´Sovereignty: g7+ and the politics of international statebuilding, International Affairs, 93: 6, 2017
Navigating Inclusion: The Space of the Formalised Political Unsettlement, Journal of International Development, 29:5, 2017 (with Christine Bell)