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BA (Hons) PhD Jeffrey HAYNES Director, Centre for the Study of Religion, Conflict and Cooperation, London Metropolitan University


1980-1983 B.A. (Hons.) International Relations, First Class, Staffordshire Polytechnic
1983-1988 Part-time lecturer, Department of International Relations and Politics, Staffordshire Polytechnic
1988 Polytechnic Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, Staffordshire Polytechnic
Doctor of Philosophy, University of London
1988-1990 Lecturer, Department of International Relations and Politics, Staffordshire Polytechnic
1990-1997 Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics and Modern History, London Guildhall University (LGU)
1993-2005 Chair, Politics Board of Studies
Politics Course Organiser (Administration and management of all undergraduate Politics degrees: Early specialist, Deferred specialist, Joint and Minor pathways)
1997-2000 Chair, Departmental Academic Standards Committee
Reader, Department of Politics and Modern History, LGU
1997-2009 Departmental Erasmus coordinator with "English-speaking" universities (Stockholm, Amsterdam, Maynooth, Bilgi, Roosevelt, Wroclaw)
2000-2002 Professor of Politics, Department of Politics and Modern History, LGU
since 2008 Director, Centre for the Study of Religion, Conflict and Cooperation
2002-2009 Professor of Politics and Coordinator, Governance and International Relations, City Campus, Department of Law, Governance and International Relations, London Metropolitan University
2009-2010 Associate Head of Department (Research and Postgraduate), Department of Law, Governance and International Relations, London Metropolitan University
since 2010 Associate Dean of Faculty (Research and Postgraduate), Faculty of Law, Governance and International Relations, London Metropolitan University


The Chartered Management Institute, 2004-2005
Convenor, European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group, Religion and Politics, since 2006
Vice-chair, Research Committee 43: Religion and Politics, International Political Science
External examiner: Taught programmes Association, since 2006


Religious Actors in the Public Sphere: Means, Objectives, and Effects (co-authored with Hennig, A.), London, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-61035-3 (hbk), 2011
Routledge Handbook of Democratization (editor, and author of introductory chapter), London, Routledge,. ISBN: 978-0-415-57377-1 (hbk), 2012
Religious Transnational Actors and Soft Power, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2012
An Introduction to Religion and International Relations, Harlow, Pearson Education, 2nd ed., revised and updated, 2012