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Pg.Dip. Jindrich VOBORIL Czech National Drugs Coordinator; Head of the Secretariat, Government Council for Drug Policy Coordination, Prague


 Professional experience
1985-1990 Nursing in geriatric department
1991-2010 Founder and Chief Executive of Drugs services, Sdruzení Podané ruce (the Helping Hands Association)
 currently National Drug Coordinator of the Czech Republic, director of a department, executive deputy chair and a head of the Secretariat of the Government Council for Drug Policy, Coordination, Prague
 University Lecturing
since 2003 External Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University, Brno
since 2007 External Lecturer, Medical Faculty, Charles University Prague
 International consultancies, evaluation and training
since 2000 conducted number of (on side) consultancies and trainings in the area of drugs services development and a drugs policy: Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ekuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Russia, Serbia, Hungary working for UNODC, GTZ (GIZ today), EU delegation, Soros Fundation OSI and for various agencies as a subcontractor


Member and a deputy executive chair, Government Council for drugs, alcohol, tobacco and gambling industries
Member of the Management Board, EMCDDA - European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Member, HDG Group - Horizontal Working Party on Drugs
Board Member, CEENDPS - Executive Deputy Chair of the Czech Government Council for Drug Policy Coordination


"Drogy a drogové závislosti" - "Drugs and Drug Abuse: an inter-professional approach", chapt. "Gender Issues", "Self Support Approach", 2002
TC Treatment Options, Protocols and Modern Approaches, 2009