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Dr. Johann FANK Scientific Director, Resources - Institute for Water, Energy and Sustainability, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz


 Univ. Doz. Dr. Johann Fank, joined the Institute of Water Resources Management - Hydrogeology and Geophysics at JOANNEUM RESEARCH Lim., Graz, in 1986. He holds a Ph.D. (1985) and the Venia docendi (2000) in geography from the University of Graz. In his post-graduate research Dr. Fank focused on flow and transport processes in the unsaturated and saturated zone of shallow phreatic aquifer systems. Main aspects are set on the interdisciplinary approach using methods in the fields of tracer hydrology, isotope hydrology, hydraulics, soil physics, numerical modeling, mathematics, and statistics. He wrote numerous publications and presented various papers at international and national congresses. Dr. Fank is lecturer at the Universities in Graz and Leoben. Since 2012 he acts as director of the JOANNEUM RESEARCH - RESOURCES - Institute for Water, Energy and Sustainability


Lysimeter Research Group
Austrian Association of Hydrology
Austrian Geographic Society


Händel F., Liedl R., Fank J., Rock G. (2013): Regional modelling of geothermal energy systems in shallow aquifers: the Leibnitzer Feld case study (Austria), Environmental Earth Sciences
Klammler G., Kupfersberger H., Rock G., Fank J. (2013) Modelling coupled unsaturated and saturated nitrate distribution of the aquifer Westliches Leibnitzer Feld, Austria, Environ, Earth Science
Schelle H., Iden, S.C., Fank J., Durner W. (2012): Inverse Estimation of Soil Hydraulic and Root Distribution Parameters from Lysimeter Data, Vadose Zone J.
Unold, G. V. & J. Fank (2008): Modular Design of Field Lysimeters for Specific Application Needs. Water Air Soil Pollut: Focus (2008) 8:233-242


Styrian award on innovative research on water (1999)