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Mag. Dr. MAS Johann SOLLGRUBER Acting Head, Representation of the European Commission in Austria, Vienna


1989 Graduation, Law and Economics, University of Graz
1992 Doctorate, Law, University of Vienna
1999-2001 Postgraduate, Master's Degree, International Politics, M.A.S. Bruxelles, Université Libre de Bruxelles
1990-1996 Legal Advisor, Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vienna
1996-1998 DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission, Brussels
1998-2003 Administrator, DG Taxation, European Commission, Brussels
2003-2010 Team Leader / DG Coordinator, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission, Brussels
2010-2012 Head of Sector / Acting Head of Unit, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission, Brussels
since 2012 Head of political department, European Commission Representation in Austria, Vienna
since 2014 Teaching, Law University, Vienna
Acting Head, European Commission Representation in Austria, Vienna


Appointed Member of the Board, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, since 2012
Honourable Member, Danube Development Forum
Honourable Member, Vienna Economic Forum, since 2015


EU-Beihilfenrecht-2007-2013, Linde-Boorberg Verlag, Stuttgart, 2010
Das Ende goldener Zeiten? EU gegen Steuer-und Kapitalflucht, CA Exclusiv, 04/2001
EURO-Almanach (co-author), Signum-Verlag Wien, 1998
"Investieren in Europa", EU-Steuerharmonisierung und EU-Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, München