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Dr. John DUPRE Director, ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society, University of Exeter


1982-96 Assistant Professor to Professor of Philosophy, Stanford University, CA
1996-2000 Professor of Philosophy, University of London
2000-03 Professor of Philosophy of Science, University of Exeter


American Philosophical Association
Philosophy of Science of Association
British Society for Philosophy of Science
British Philosophical Association


Darwin's Legacy: What Evolution Means Today. Oxford 2003
Humans and Other Animals. Oxford 2002
Human Nature & the Limits of Science. Oxford 2001
The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science. Harvard University Press 1993


Grant from Economic and Social Research Council to establish Centre for Genomics in Society
1978-80 Harkness Fellow
1986-87 Fellow, Stanford Humanities Centre