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Dr. Jos BERGHMAN President, European Institute of Social Security; Professor, Centre for Sociological Research, Catholic University of Leuven


 Research director, Centre for Social Policy, Antwerp
 Professor of Social Security Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Tilburg University


Chairman of the Managing board of Social Security in Belgium
President of the European Institute of Social Security


(co-ed.) Honderd jaar Sociale Zeherheid in Nederland. Delft 2003
(co-ed.) Social Security in Transition. The Hague 2002
with I. Begg, Social Exclusion and reforming the European Social Model, in: Journal of European Social Policy, 12 (3), 2002, special issue
(ed.) Vers une nouvelle architecture de la protection social en Europe, dans: Revue belge de sécurité sociale, 44 (3), 2002, numéro spécial
with D. Mayes & R. Salais, Social Exclusion and European Policy. Cheltenham 2001