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Dr. Joseph ALCAMO Director and Professor, Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel


 Ph.D., Civil-Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis; atmospheric science and systems analysis
1975-1981 Project Engineer, Hydroscience Inc., USA
1982-1991 Research Scholar, International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Austria. Co-developer of the RAINS model and of the methodology of integrated modeling of the environment.
1992-1996 Project Leader, National Institute of the Environment, The Netherlands. Led development of IMAGE 2 Model, the first spatially-resolved integrated model of global change.
since 1996 Director and Professor, Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel. Leading the development of earth system models of the global water cycle and global land use change. Developing new methods for environmental scenario analysis.


Chairman of Scientific Steering Committee of Global Water System Project of Earth System Science Partnership
Convening Lead Author, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change
Member of National Committee on Global Change Research, Germany
Member of Executive Committee of International Max Planck Research School on Earth Systems Modeling


Global Change Scenarios of the 21st Century, 1998
Development and testing of the WaterGAP 2 global model of water use and availability, 2003
Changes in nature s balance sheet: model-based estimates of future worldwide ecosystem services, 2005


International Max Planck Research Prize (Geosciences/Physics), 1998