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Jukka SAVOLAINEN Director, Community of Interest on Vulnerabilities and Resilience, Hybrid Center of Excellence, Helsinki


1983-1986 Naval Academy
Commanding officer & Head of operations, Archipelago Sea Coast Guard District
1997-2002 Staff officer & Head of unit for EU affairs, Border Guard Headquarters
2002-2006 Counsellor for border security, Finnish Permanent Representation to the EU; National expert, General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, DG H - Justice and Home Affairs, Brussels
2006-2008 Director for International Affairs, Border Guard Headquarters, Ministry of the Interior, Helskinki
2008-2010 Deputy Chief, Border and Coast Guard Division, Border Guard Headquarter, Ministry of the Interior, Helsinki
2010-2012 Head of Mission, EU Police Mission in Afghanistan, Kabul
2012-2017 Commander, West Finland Coast Guard District
since 2017 Director, Community of Interest on Vulnerabilities and Resilience, Hybrid Center of Excellence, Helsinki