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Dr. Julia I. LANE Program Director, Science of Science and Innovation Policy, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA


1982 1983 Assistant Professor of Economics, Western Illinois University
1984 1990 Assistant and Associate Professor of Economics, University of Louisville
1990 2001 Assistant, Associate and Full Professor of Economics, American University
1996 1997 Private Sector Development, World Bank (on sabbatical)
2000 2004 Director, Employment Dynamics Program and Principal Research Associate, The Urban Institute
2004 2005 Program Director, Economics, National Science Foundation
2005 2008 Senior Vice President and Director, Economics, Labor, and Population, NORC at the University of Chicago
since 2008 Program Director, Science of Science and Innovation Policy, National Science Foundation


Chair, Privacy and Confidentiality Committee, American Statistical Assocation; Fellows Committee
Member, Electorate Nominating Committee, Section K on Social, Economic, and Political Sciences (elected 2010), AAAS


Julia I Lane, Clair Brown, John Haltiwanger: Economic Turbulence: Is A Volatile Economy Good for America?, University of Chicago Press, 2006
Julia I Lane: Assessing the Impact of Science Funding, Science 5 June 2009: Vol. 324. no. 5932, pp. 1273  1275 DOI: 10.1126/science.1175335
Julia I Lane: Making Science Metrics More Scientific, Nature, March 25, 2010
Julia I Lane, Stefano Bertuzzi: Measuring the Results of Science Investments, Science, Volume 331, pages 678-680, February 11, 2011
Julia I Lane, Kaye Husbands-Fealing, Jack Marburger, Stephanie Shipp, and Bill Valdez: The Handbook of Science of Science Policy, Stanford University Press, 2011


National Association of State Workforce Agencies Vladimir Chavrid award for excellence in the field of Labor Market Information (LMI) and Employment Security operations research 2004
American Statistical Association Fellow, 2009
National Science Foundation Director s Superior Accomplishment Award, 2010
National Institutes of Health, Central IT Merit Award for Operational Excellence, 2011
Federal Executive Institute, Senior Executive Training, 2011