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Mag. Dr. Karin SCHINDLER Head Department, Division of Maternal-, Child- and Genderhealth, and Nutrition, Federal Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, Vienna


1977-1979 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Medical School for Radiographers, Frankfurt/M.; Degree: radiographer
1979-1990 Radiographer (Germany and Austria)
1982-1983 Senate for Health, Social Issues and Family, Berlin. Degree: lecturer for radiographers
1986-1989 University Vienna, Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology
1990-1996 University of Vienna, Nutritional Science; Degree: Mag.rer.nat.
1996-1999 Institute for Nutritional Science and Dpt. Immune Dermatology, MUW. Degree: Dr. rer.nat.
1996-1998 Clinic of Internal Medicine III, Div. of Nephrology, Medical University Vienna
2000-2004 Clinic of Dermatology, Div. of Immune Dermatology, Medical University Vienna
 Since 2000 Clinic of Internal Medicine III, Div. of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medical University Vienna
2004-2011 nutritionDay, free lance
2011 Venia Docendi in Metabolism, Medical University Vienna
 Since 2012 Consultant for "nutritionDay worldwide"
2013 World Health Organisation, Regional Office for Europe, Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and Health Promotion Copenhagen
2014 Trigon, Certificate Coaching Course, Vienna, Austria
 Since 2016 Women’s promotion curriculum "Schrittweise" for young scientists. Terms of reference: Coach
 Since 2016 Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health And Consumer Protection. Mother, Child, Gender Health and Nutrition. Terms of reference: Head of unit


Chair, Austrian Health Targets: Health Target 7: Healthy nutrition for all, since 2019
Responsible chair of the conference organising team and coordinator with DG SANTE, Austrian EU Presidency. Conference "Healthy foods - Healthy People. Towards healthy and sustainable food systems.", 2017-2018
Organising Committee and conference chair, European Congress on Obesity, Vienna, 2018
Board member, Specialized Working Group Public Health, since 2018