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Ph.D. Karsten DANZMANN Professor and Director, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover


1974 Pre-Diploma in Physics, Technical University Clausthal-Zellerfeld
1977 Diploma in Physics, University of Hannover
1978-1982 Staff Scientist, University of Hannover
1980 Ph.D., University of Hannover, Germany
1982-1983 Visiting Scientist (DFG fellowship), Stanford University
1983-1986 Staff Scientist, PTB Berlin
1986-1989 Act. Ass. Professor of Physics, Stanford University
1990-1993 Project Leader Gravitational Waves, Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching
since 1993 Professor, Leibniz Universität Hannover; Director of Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Hannover
Principal Investigator, ground-based laser interferometric gravitational wave detector GEO600
1993-2001 Head, Remote Branch Hannover, Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Hannover
Speaker, LISA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Study Team
1993-1998 Member, Fundamental Physics Advisory Group, ESA European Space Agency; Hannover
1997-2010 Member, Programmausschuss Extraterrestrische Grundlagenforschung des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
1997-2009 Deputy Speaker, DFG Sonderforschungsbereich (Collaborative Research Center)
2001-2009 Deputy Speaker, European Graduate College GRK665
2001-2011 ESA Mission Scientist for LISA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Study Team, LIST Co-Chair
since 2002 Director, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Hannover
Deputy Speaker, DFG Sonderforschungsbereich (Collaborative Research Center)
2004-2005 Dean, University of Hannover, Germany
since 2004 Co-Principal Investigator, ESA Space Mission LISA Pathfinder
since 2006 Deputy Speaker, QUEST Cluster of Excellence
Speaker, International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Gravitational Wave Astronomy
since 2009 Speaker, HALOSTAR Graduate College
since 2011 Consortium Lead, eLISA Space Mission Proposal
since 2013 Co-Proposer and Board Member, GRACE Follow-On Space Mission
since 2014 Deputy Speaker, DFG Sonderforschungsbereich (Collaborative Research Center)


Humboldt-Max-Planck-Forschungspreis, 1993
Member, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz, 2006
Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2009
Member, Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg, 2010
Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, shared with the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, 2016
Gruber Cosmology Prize, shared with the LIGO discovery team, 2016
Niedersächsischer Staatspreis, shared with Alessandra Buonanno and Bruce Allen, 2016
Niedersächsischer Wissenschaftspreis, 2016
Fritz Behrens Wissenschaftspreis, 2016
Körber European Science Prize, 2017