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Karsten WENZLAFF Founder and Chief Executive Officer, ikosom UG - Institut für Kommunikation in sozialen Medien, Berlin; Member, European Crowdfunding Stakeholder Forum, European Commission, Brussels


2002-2006 Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Economics, University of Bayreuth
since 2006 Consultant and Owner, Echologist Unternehmensberatung, Berlin
2007-2008 M.phil. cantab International Relations, University of Cambridge
2008-2011 Editor and Social Media Manager, vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin
2009 Digital Media Consultant, Parliamentary Assembly of the State of Thuringia, Erfurt
since 2011 Founder and Chief Executive Officer, ikosom UG - Institut für Kommunikation in sozialen Medien, Berlin
since 2013 Lecturer on Alternative Finance, University of Applied Sciences, Bremen
since 2015 Secretary-General, Bundesverband Crowdfunding, Berlin
since 2016 Head of Cooperation and Digital Transformation, Table of Visions GmbH, Berlin
Ph.D., Chair Digital Markets, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Science, University of Hamburg


Member, European Crowdfunding Stakeholder Forum, European Commission, Brussels, since 2014
Predecessor to the Bundesverband Crowdfunding, since 2014
Advisory Board, Citizenergy Project of the European Crowdfunding Network, since 2014
Board Member and Coordinator, German Crowdfunding Network, 2014-2015


Country-Author, Crowdfunding Industry Report 2014, MassSolutions, 2015
Co-Author, Moving Mainstream - Alternative Finance Report, University of Cambridge, 2015
Country-Co-Author, 2nd European Alternative Finance Report, University of Cambridge, 2016
Co-Author, Crowdfunding Guide-Book, German Ministry of Economics, 2016