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M.Sc. Ph.D. Kathleen LYNCH Professor, Chair of Equality Studies, University College Dublin


2006-2007 University of Cambridge, Visiting Fellow at Lucy Cavendish College and Marie Curie Research Scholar, Education Faculty
2007-2010 Core member of NESSE - the Network of Social Science Experts on Education and Training in Europe (European Commission DG-EAC)
2010-2012 Member of the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences
2010 China Centre for Comparative Politics and Economics, University of Peking, Beijing December (Visiting scholar)
2010-2011 Senior Research Fellow, the GEXcel (Gender Excellence Research) programme, Sweden, University of Orebro and University of Linkoping
2012-2013 International Scholar for the (In)equality Matters programme at City University of New York (CUNY)
2014 University of Melbourne, Melbourne Social Equity Institute, Visiting Scholar
2016 (Spring) Visiting Scholar Haven s Centre, University of Wisconsin Madison.


Lynch, Kathleen, Grummell, Bernie and Devine, Dympna, New Managerialism in Education: Commercialization Carelessness and Gender. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 2015 2nded
Guest editor with Jean-Paul Payet, Education et Société (Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique) special edition on Equality, 2011
Lynch, K., Baker, J. and Lyons, M. Affective Equality: Love, Care and Injustice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.* Awarded prize as one of the best 100 books in Ireland in (being translated into Spanish and Korean), 2009
Baker, J. Lynch, K., Cantillon, S.and Walsh, J. Equality: From Theory to Action,
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (323pp) (2nd edition) (translated into Arabic), 2009