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Dr. Kevin AUTON Director, Aseptika Ltd., Huntingdon


 Dr Auton is a biochemist who has invented, developed and manufactured, 12 different life sciences products and marketed them throughout the World. He is a named inventor on 6 patents and has founded two companies in genomics and proteomics. Dr Auton has taken a leadership position in the application for and co-ordination of the NIHR s HCAI SBRI-funded development of an environmental detector for pathogens at Vantix (formerly Universal Sensors). He has successfully guided Vantix through Phase 1 and now on into Phase 2 and has now passed this role onto full-time staff at Vantix. He has also lead successful UK SBRI applications for the UK's Ministry of Defence for the development of a portable oxygen generator for the treatment of soldiers on the battle field and an SBRI project funded by the NHS for a new system to tackle obesity in children. As a representative of SMEs in the UK, Dr Auton has direct personal experience of the benefits to small companies of Government-led procurement via the SBRI programme (called SBIR in most EU member states). Dr Auton has held several of leadership positions in SME technology companies in the East of England region over the last decade. He consults for a number of companies in the life sciences/medical devices area who are seeking to convert promising technologies into real-life products and hence revenues, including Aseptika, which co-founded. Aseptika has recently won an SBRI contract (from the NHS in the East of England) to develop a novel test for respiratory pathogens.