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Dr. Klara FOTI Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest


 The job at the Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences includes the activities as follows: Managing and coordinating various research projects, preparing research papers, presenting papers at conferences, applying for projects, editing publications, etc. I participated for example in the following projects:
 - Extent and Causes of Regional Labour Market Diversification in Hungary and Poland
 - Comparative survey on the assistance programmes for young unemployed people in Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Poland
 - Comparative survey on young self-employed people in the same countries
 - Migration trends affecting Hungary
 In addition, I managed projects on preparation of the Human Development Reports for Hungary (in 1998, 1999 and 2000-2003)


Committee for Economics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Member of the CONSENT network
Member of the Working Group on Labour Market Problems of Young People within the framework of the COST network, between 2002-2004
Member of the Working Group on Labour, Employment and Economic Development of the EADI (European Association of Development Institutes), between 1993-1996


Nemzetközi migráció - esély vagy globális veszélyforrás? (International Migration - Chance or Global Threat?), 2000
The Labour Market in Transition: Unemployment in Hungary, 1994
Alleviating Poverty: Analysis and Recommendations. Human Development Report for Hungary 2000-2002, 2003
Determinanten der Arbeitsmarktentwicklung und Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Ungarn, 2003


Fellowships to conduct research abroad (in the UK at Sussex University, Oxford and Cambridge, in Vienna at WIIW, in Hamburg, Munich, etc.)
Hungarian Research grant "János Bolyai"