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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Kurt GRUBER Corporate Vice President, Corporate Supply Chain, Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg


 With almost 30 years of semiconductor experience Kurt Gruber currently heads Infineon's Corporate Supply Chain. His department is responsible for global demand fulfillment and logistics operations for all Infineon accounts. His international team manages the internal and external production networks and drives the development of Infineon's supply chain and production strategies. Dr. Gruber also headed several departments within Infineon, including the "Center of Excellence" and held a position in "Strategic Production Management". Dr. Gruber received his PhD in Mathematics at the University of Technology Graz, Austria.


K. Gruber / C. Phopal / H. Ehm: Integrierte Unternehmensarchitektur zur Unterstützung nachhaltiger Wertschöpfung, In: M. D'heur/R. Schmidpeter (Hg.): CSR und Value Chain Management (SpringerGabler Verlag: Wiesbaden, 2013
K. Gruber: Supply Chain Management in the Semiconductor Industry: Successes and Challenges. Keynote MASM, Berlin, 2012
K. Gruber: Our Supply Chain is a Competitive Advantage, Vortrag Supply Chain Conference, Madrid, 2012
K. Gruber: Case Study: Getting it right in a Volatile Market, Vortrag Extended Supply Chain Conference, Bruxelles, 2012


PCW Supply Chain Management Award, 2012
SCC Excellence Awards in the category: Operational excellence award and global SCC Award, 2011
European Supply Chain Excellence Award 2010 in the category "Training and Professional Development", 2010
Supply Chain Performance Excellence Award 2008 vom BME (Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft Einkauf und Logistik; Deutschland), 2008