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Dr. Leen HORDIJK Director, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria; Professor, Wageningen University, Netherlands


 Doctor in Econometrics, Amsterdam, Netherlands
 Leader, Acid Rain Projects, IIASA, Austria
 Head of Laboratory, RIVM, Netherlands
 Professor, Environmental Systems Analysis, Wageningen, Netherlands
 Director, Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research, Netherlands


Using computer models in international negotiations, Environment 41, 1999
Integrated Assessment Model for Acid Rain in Asia: Policy implications and results of RAINS-ASIA Model, Annual Review of Energy and Environment 25, 2000
The potential contribution of renewable energy in air pollution abatement in China and India, Enery Policy 30, 2002
Cost-effective control of SO2 emissions in Asia, Journal of Environmental Management 72, 2004