Dr. Leen HORDIJK Director, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria; Professor, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Doctor in Econometrics, Amsterdam, Netherlands | |
Leader, Acid Rain Projects, IIASA, Austria | |
Head of Laboratory, RIVM, Netherlands | |
Professor, Environmental Systems Analysis, Wageningen, Netherlands | |
Director, Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research, Netherlands |
Using computer models in international negotiations, Environment 41, 1999 | |
Integrated Assessment Model for Acid Rain in Asia: Policy implications and results of RAINS-ASIA Model, Annual Review of Energy and Environment 25, 2000 | |
The potential contribution of renewable energy in air pollution abatement in China and India, Enery Policy 30, 2002 | |
Cost-effective control of SO2 emissions in Asia, Journal of Environmental Management 72, 2004 |