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Ph.D. Leonard A. SMITH Director, Centre for the Analysis of Time Series, London School of Economics, London


 Raised in Florida, receiving his Bachelors degree, with Honours, in "Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science" from the University of Florida and his MA, MPhil and Ph.D. in Physics from Columbia University (USA). Since 1992 he has been a Senior Research Fellow (Mathematics) at Pembroke College Oxford, working in the Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (OCIAM). He became a Professor of Statistics (Research), at the London School of Economics (LSE) in October 2004, where he is Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Time Series. His research interests focus on dynamical systems and predictability, with examples ranging from mathematical systems and laboratory experiments to weather and climate, each of which are discussed in his recently published book "A very short introduction to chaos" from OUP.


Smith (et al.): Uncertainty in the Predictions of the Climate Response to Rising Levels of Greenhouse Gases Nature 433 (7024): 403-406, 2005
A Very Short Introduction to Chaos. Oxford University Press. A contribution to the OUP "A Very Short Introduction" series, focused on chaos and prediction.
Smith (et al.): Confidence, uncertainty and decision-support relevance in climate predictions, Phil. Trans. R. Soc- A, 365, 2145-2161, 2007
Smith (et al.): The Geometry of Model Error. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in print), 2007


Selby Fellowshop from the Australian Academy of Science, 2002
Fitzroy Prize from the Royal Meteorological Society, 2003
SAMSI University Fellow, 2005
He has been awarded the Royal Meterological Society's Fitzroy Prize in recognition of his contributors to mathematically-coherent user-relevant developments in meteorology